Features of ESE
- Our editors are native English speakers
- Our editors are expert scientists with PhDs
- Our editors have >10 years postdoc experience
- No freelance editors
- No artificial intelligence (AI)
- Proficient at editing and fact-checking output from AI software
- Manuscripts published in >400 journals
- Clients in >40 countries
- Client retention rate of >95%
- Transparent pricing policy
- Volume discounts of up to 10%
- Guaranteed editing quality
- Comprehensive feedback about editing
- Assured privacy, data security, and reliability
- Professional, friendly communications
- Rapid replies to emails; the red box above gives the current response time
- Company operating since 2000
- No marketeers or other noneditors employed
- Website designed and coded by us (hence the 1990s look!), so no cookies, tracking, or malware
The managing editor of English Science Editing, Dr. Paul Kolston, has worked as a research scientist at the following institutions:
- Delft University of Technology
- University Hospital Utrecht
- University of Bristol
- University of Keele
Whilst at Bristol and Keele he was a Royal Society Research Fellow. He decided to resign from a tenured position at Keele University in order to be able to live in New Zealand. In the 3-year period immediately preceding his departure from Keele in 2000 he obtained grants totalling US$ 1.4 million from three UK funding bodies, all as the sole applicant.
Dr. Kolston's work has been published in the following journals (red bullets denote single-author papers):
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
- Brain Research
- Trends in Neuroscience
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- Hearing Research
- Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
- Current Opinion in Neurobiology
- Comments on Theoretical Biology
Dr. Kolston has acted as a referee for research proposals submitted to government and private funding bodies in the UK and the USA, including the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and National Institutes of Health. He has also refereed papers for the following journals:
- Nature
- Nature Neuroscience
- Journal of Physiology (London)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B: Biological Sciences
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
- Acta Acustica
- Audiology and Neurotology
Dr. Kolston has presented his own research work at scientific conferences in the USA, the UK, The Netherlands, France, and Japan, and he has acted as the principal examiner of British PhD theses.